Man Who Attended 1999 Peaceful Petition in China Shares His Story

Flora Hua
By Flora Hua
April 25, 2024China in Focus

Thursday, April 25, marks a special day for millions of Chinese people around the world, especially the faith group Falun Gong. It’s the 25th anniversary of the largest peaceful petition in China in the past quarter-century.

Professor Xie Weiguo, now working at an American university, was among 10,000 rally-goers who gathered peacefully in Beijing in 1999.

In the past two decades, Mr. Xie went from being a student studying at China’s top Tsinghua University to being a U.S. professor in chemical engineering. One thing that hasn’t changed is his belief in Falun Gong.

He told us more about his experience during and after the petition.


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